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O-Ring vs Quad Ring: How to Choose the Best Seal for your New Product

When you’re designing a new industrial product or system, there’s a good chance that you’ll have to think about adding seals. If you do decide to use seals, you need to decide which type will best serve your purposes and lead to the fewest errors and malfunctions. There are many different kinds of seals, and each of them have different benefits and drawbacks. Two common types are O-rings and quad rings or quad seals. Knowing more about them can help you choose the best one for your needs.


The O-ring is one of the most common types of rubber seals. This is a simple loop of rubber. When it is placed in a groove and compressed, it creates a seal. They’re an inexpensive part, making them particularly popular.

However, they’re not the only kind of seal. There is a similar piece called a quad ring. This is sometimes also known as an X-ring or Q-ring. Instead of having a circular cross-section like the o-ring, the quad seal is divided into four lobes. This makes them less likely to twist or bunch up while under pressure. A quad ring can fit in spaces originally designed for an O-ring.

There are also other shapes of rubber seals, but these tend to be two of the most popular and versatile.

Parting Lines

A parting line is where the compression tool mold meets. It’s often a line of excess material, though it will vary in size depending on the quality of the mold. On an O-ring, you can see it on the outermost diameter of the sealing surface. However, the parting line of a quad ring is mostly hidden in the folds of the cross section. Because of this, the parting line is less likely to affect a quad ring’s seal than it would on an O-ring. The quad ring design helps eliminate leakage issues resulting from a parting line’s irregular surface.


Less squeeze and friction allow a seal to last longer. The quad ring has great lubrication retention due to its four-lobe design. It also experiences less friction in general because of its shape. O-rings are prone to wear and tear, thus shortening the lifespan of your equipment, therefore installing an X-ring gives you more extended service from your product with less maintenance. Make an informed decision and choose a suitable seal that is sustainable and efficient to extend your product’s lifespan. Each seal serves different purposes, with varying features. Scrutinize both before deciding to ensure you get efficient services from them.


O-rings and quad rings look and act very similarly, but they vary in price. X-rings tend to be more expensive than O-rings. While this may seem to be a trivial price increase for a single ring, when you’re buying in bulk, your prices can become drastically different depending on the type of ring seal you’re buying. Because of this, if either type will work equally well for your application, it may be best to go with an O-ring.

When you’re choosing ring seals for a new product or machine, it may help to consult with a manufacturer or rubber quad ring supply professional. Because they have so much experience with these two products, they can give you advice on which type of seal would best suit your needs. They can also help ensure that the seal is being used correctly.

You have many options when you’re choosing ring seals. Ensure you’re choosing the correct type for your product. Doing so will increase its longevity and decrease the risk of future failures.

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