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How to Save Money When Your Roof Needs Major Repairs

Having to replace or repair a roof can be a daunting & frustrating task for most homeowners. Not only will you have to deal with the constant noise of construction, but this type of home improvement project can become really expensive. However, avoiding roof repairs is never a good idea as it may end up costing you more in the long run. The following includes a few of the best ways you can save money when you need major repairs on your home’s roof.

Start Going Over Your Warranties

When most roofs are initially installed, they will come with a warranty attached to them. This warranty offers homeowners free or partial coverage of any repairs that need to be made. However, they all also differ in the length in which they are valid. Therefore, if your roof was recently installed or repaired, it is important to look into the warranty that was offered to you. If it’s still active, you may end up having a majority of the cost taken care of by the warranty. This would include roofing materials and labor. If you are new to the home, you may need to have to conduct further research into the history of repairs. Contacting your real estate agent may be your best bet in obtaining that information.

Homeowner’s Insurance

Yes, it can be terrifying to have to use your homeowner’s insurance, as many people are understandably scared of premium increases. However, repairs are exactly what your home insurance is for and why you are paying so much for it each month. It is something that homeowners should seriously look into using during these types of home improvement projects. In this case, you may need to file a claim with your agent if the repairs are reaching the high thousands. However, if they are only a few hundred dollars, it may be best to simply pay out of pocket instead of using your insurance. In the short term, you may end up paying close to the same amount anyway but without having to worry about the increase in your monthly payments for long term costs.

Avoiding Summer

The spring and summer months are one of the busiest times for roofing companies, and thus the price for labor drastically increases. If your roof can handle it, you may want to wait until the fall or winter months to begin repairs. If all other cost-saving methods fail, this is a great way to reduce the cost of the project. Lucky for you, fall is coming quickly and that gives you the opportunity to jump into some lower labor prices. Don’t wait all the way until winter, though, as the inclement weather can make it difficult to make a reliable appointment with the contractors. Early fall is the best time as it allows workers to avoid the worst of the summer heat without having to worry about precipitation ruining a repair job halfway through.

Look at Replacement

If major portions of your roof are in disrepair or you’ve already had plenty of patch jobs done, it may be time to get a full replacement. The benefit of getting your roof replaced means that your roof will go for a long time without needing major repairs again, and minor maintenance along with the seasons is all you’ll likely need. If you’re repairing your entire roof bit by bit, you’re practically replacing the roof anyway, so it’s best to get it all done in one big sweep in a way that will last. While you’re getting a replacement, look at changing to a stronger material that will last you longer, particularly one that will work with your local weather. If you often face raging heats, for example, then metal or ceramic will often last longer and even help reduce your energy costs.

Roof repairs are never an easy thing to deal with, especially when it comes to the financial parts. However, it is highly recommended that homeowners utilize the information above to find ways to reduce as much of that financial burden as possible. After all, if you think a roof repair or replacement costs a lot of money, you should see what the damage done by a leaking roof will cost.

Author Bio: Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure. She highly recommends seeking professional help whenever you have roofing problems any time of the year.

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